【現貨】美國 Now Foods 兒茶素綠茶精華,[A] $99/90粒,[B] $188/180粒 《不計印商品》

  • $99.00
    單價 每 

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【現貨】美國 Now Foods 兒茶素綠茶精華 (Now Foods, EGCg, Green Tea Extract, 400mg

[A] $99/90粒,[B] $188/180粒

  • Now Foods, EGCg, Green Tea Extract, 400mg
  • 每粒含200毫克的EGCg的植物營養素,含量約等於2-3杯綠茶
  • 每粒含80%兒茶素
  • 綠茶提取物含有多種化合物,包括茶多酚和兒茶素,提供強而有力的抗氧化益處,支持細胞健康
  • 其中兒茶素或有助清除身體的自由基,防止高血壓及保護血管功能
  • EGCg可抗氧化、預防慢性心血管疾病,還可以幫助消除人體內的脂肪
  • GMP品質保證
  • 營養補充劑
  • 素食配方
  • 產地: 美國     
  • 最佳食用期限 : 2026年3月 - 8月 (90粒裝) / 2028年4月 (18粒裝)








  • Free Radical Scavenger
  • 200 mg EGCg / 80% Catechins
  • Supports Cellular Health
  • A Dietary Supplement
  • Vegetarian/Vegan
  • Botanicals/Herbs
  • Family Owned Since 1968
  • GMP Quality Assured

One capsule of NOW Green Tea Extract with 200 mg EGCg possesses the phytonutrient content equal to about 2-3 cups of green tea. Green Tea's bioactive compounds include Polyphenols and Catechins, which are known to exhibit potent free radical neutralizing properties. Its most abundant Catechin, EGCg has been scientifically demonstrated to assist in maintaining healthy tissues in the face of normal metabolic stress and to support proper cell cycle regulation.

Suggested Use

Take 1 capsule daily with a meal. Do not take this product on an empty stomach; do not exceed recommended dose.

Other Ingredients

Cellulose (capsule), silica and magnesium stearate (vegetable source).

Not manufactured with yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, fish, shellfish or tree nut ingredients. Produced in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients containing these allergens.


Caution: For adults only. Take with food. Consult physician if pregnant/nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition including liver impairment. Keep out of reach of children.


查看更多👀 營養補充品 👉🏻https://bit.ly/3gSGrea

“This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.





【現貨】訂單  - 結帳後可 Whatsapp 66802100 或致電 39967986 確認存貨狀況後,可直接到太子門市自提貨物。

【預訂貨】訂單- 在收到貨到通知電郵後 Whatsapp 66802100 或致電 39967986 確認存貨狀況後,可直接到太子門市自提貨物。



地址: 九龍太子道西141號長榮大廈4字樓4G室 (4號電梯)

         (港鐵太子站C1出口 / 恒生銀行樓上)

電話: (852) 3996 7986

Whatsapp: 6680 2100

電郵: contact@funmart-hk.com

營業時間: 星期一至五12:30-19:30 / 星期六12:00-16:00 / 星期日及公眾假期休息


如選擇寄貨服務,請 Whatsapp 66802100 :


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收費HK$30/kg, 續重另收費(收費以順豐為準)

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