【現貨】$80 購買 澳洲Blackmores Bilberry Eye Support Advanced山桑子護眼加強版30粒《不計印商品》

  • $80.00
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【現貨】澳洲Blackmores Bilberry Eye Support Advanced山桑子護眼加強版30粒

價錢: $80/樽

-規格: 1樽30粒

-有效期: 2025年11月

每粒膠囊主要成分 :

  • 山桑子精華80毫克 (相等於8000 毫克乾山桑子) ,含29mg 活性花青素
  • 葡萄籽精華150毫克 (相等於18000 毫克乾葡萄籽) ,含142.5mg 原花青素 










Blackmores | Bilberry Eye Support Advanced 30 tablets

Standardised European sourced Bilberry extract. Traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to help relieve eye strain and eye fatigue.

Bilberry is similar in appearance toordinary blueberries, but Bilberry contains four times more anthocyanins thanblueberries. The fruit is smaller and harder than blueberries and the pulp isdark purple. Artificial cultivation of bilberries is very hard, so they canonly be wild-sourced.

Studies have shown that anthocyanins arestrong antioxidant, which can support micro-circulation around the eyes, andthus help protect the capillaries of the eyes. Anthocyanins help synthesize thephotopigment rhodopsin, which maintain sharp and clear vision, and improvenight vision.

BLACKMORES® Bilberry Eye Support Advanced:

  • High-quality, Arctic wild crafted bilberries
  • Also contains Grape Seed
  • Support micro-circulation in the eyes
  • Relieves eye strain and eye fatigue
  • Anthocyanins help synthesize the photopigment rhodopsin, which improve night vision

Active ingredients:
Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry) dry fruit extract 80 mg, equivalent to fresh fruit 8 g (8000 mg)
Vitis vinifera (grape) dry seed extract 150 mg, equivalent to dry seed 18 g (18000 mg)

No added yeast or milk derivatives. No added artificial flavours.


Take only ONE dose recommendation, or as professionally prescribed. Take with food.

For General Health and Eye Support: Adults –Take 1 tablet once a day

To Help Relieve Eye Strain: Adults –Take 2 tablets once a day.

Children under 18 years – Only as professionally prescribed.

Contraindications and cautions:

  • Contains sulfites.
  • Store below 30°C in a dry place away from direct sunlight.



查看更多👀 營養補充品 👉🏻https://bit.ly/3gSGrea


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