【現貨】澳洲 Healthy Care 鴯鶓油按摩膏50ml / 按摩油 100ml,$79/1件,$207/3件 (平均$69/件) 《不計印商品》

  • $79.00
    單價 每 

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【現貨】澳洲 Healthy Care 鴯鶓油按摩膏50g,或 澳洲 Healthy Care 鴯鶓油按摩油100ml

[A] 澳洲 Healthy Care 鴯鶓油按摩膏50g  

[B] 澳洲 Healthy Care 鴯鶓油按摩油100ml 

價錢:  $79/1件,$207/3件 (平均$69/件)

有效期: [A] 2026年9月  / [B] 2028年1月

產地: 澳洲

  • 兩款產品功效一樣,分別是膏狀及油狀
  • 鴯鶓油又被稱為液體黃金
  • 癒合、滲透、有助消炎
  • 鴯鶓油是一種天然癒合油,具有高滲透性,抗菌性
  • 可滲透真皮以下,深層滋潤嚴重乾燥肌膚
  • 舒緩肌肉拉傷勞損、肌肉疲勞
  • 緩解炎症、修護皮膚損傷,淡化肌膚疤痕
  • 促進皮膚再生、除皺、祛斑
  • 有助促進血液循環的功能







  • 鴯鶓油是脂肪酸,含豐富不同的脂肪酸,如亞油酸(Omega 6),亞麻酸(Omega 3),油酸(Omega 9)及其他脂肪酸


  • 鴯鶓油+茶樹油,薄荷油,尤加利精油,白千層精油,維生素E,鴯鶓油等


  • 鴯鶓油+向日葵種子油,尤加利油,薄荷醇晶體,薰衣草油,鴯鶓油,水楊酸甲酯

鴯鶓油應用範圍 :

  • 骨關節 - 頸椎、胸椎、腰椎、膝關節、踝關節
  • 軟骨組織 - 肩周、扭傷等
  • 各類慢性炎症
  • 其它 - 疤痕修復、燒傷、燙傷


  • 取少量搽於患處,輕輕按摩,鴯鶓油會快速被皮膚吸收,有清涼熱感,每日1-2次或視需要增加至3-5次


  • 鴯鶓生長在北歐的寒帶,最高速的奔跑能持續45分鐘以上,骨骼受傷後卻能保持關節完好無損‼
  • 生活在-30℃左右的寒冷地區,關節依然保持靈活不僵化‼
  • 鴯鶓骨關節當中的脂肪細胞能夠於骨骼受損後自身快速修復‼


  • 鴯鶓抗寒能力非常強
  • 鴯鶓的關節有很好的自愈能力
  • 鴯鶓與人體的基因結構非常相似
  • 科學家因此採用活體提取、再加上中草藥,研製成鴯鶓油

Emu Oil is a traditional Australian Aboriginal Oil and natural skin moisturiser. It will help your skin look more youthful and healthy. Emu oil fat lipids mimic those found in the top layer of your skin so it will absorb into the skin faster than other oils. It is the 100% natural way to pamper your skin.

Sunflower Seed Oil exhibits excellent penetrating qualities and good spreadability on the skin, making it ideal as a massage oil. It also adds moisturizing attributes while exhibiting low comedogenicity on the skin.

Eucalyptus Oil helps to soothe and refresh. Menthol exhibits a pleasant odour which is clean and refreshing. Lavender Oil adds soothing and calming luxurious feeling.

HC Emu Deep Heat Balm targets to synergise all beneficial functions of emu oil with added natural ingredients to create a deep and fast penetrating oil. Maybe use before, during and after sport as required.

Benefits :

  • Easy absorbs into the skin.
  • Helps to relieve dry skin and muscle aches.

Ingredients :

Helianthus Annus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Menthol Crystals, Lavender Oil, Pure Emu Oil, Methyl Salicylate.


Pour a small amount into the hands, rub the palms together to warm the product. Apply using light pressure to the body. Perfect for massaging into most areas of your body.

Emu Oil is viscous at room temperatures and may show signs of phasing, which is quite normal. Simply warm the container of Emu Oil in a water bath or hot room to completely liquefy. Then shake well before applying.


  • For external use only.
  • Do not apply to broken skin.
  • Discontinue use if irritation occurs.

Storage Condition :

  • Store below 30oC in a dry place away from heat and direct sunlight.

Protect from humidity.

Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, please consult a healthcare professional.

Emu Heat Rub

Emu Oil is a traditional Australian Aboriginal Oil and natural skin moisturiser. It will help your skin look more youthful and healthy. Emu oil fat lipids mimic those found in the top layer of your skin so it will absorb into the skin faster than other oils.

Cajeput (Melaleuca Leucadendron) Oil is a relative to Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia) Oil. Both oils have an enhanced dermal penetration and pleasant aroma.

Eucalyptus Oil helps to soothe and refresh. Menthol and Methyl Salicylate cause the skin to feel cool and then warm. These feelings provide an overall soothing relief.

HC Emu Deep Heat Balm targets to synergise all beneficial functions of emu oil with added natural ingredients to create a deep fast penetrating and heat rub. May be used before, during and after sport as required.

Benefits :

  • Easy absorbs into the skin.
  • Helps to relieve dry skin and muscle aches.

Ingredients :

Petrolatum, Methyl Salicylate, Cera Microcristallina, Paraffin, Theobroma cacao, Linum Usitatissimum (Linseed) Seed Oil, Melaleuca Leucadendron, Cajeput Oil, Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf Oil, Camphor, Eucalyptus Globules Leaf Oil, Menthol, Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil, Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil, Paraffinum Liquidum, Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil, Emu Oil, Tocopherol.


Perfect for massaging into most areas of your body. Rub well using light pressure.


  • For external use only.
  • Do not apply to broken skin.
  • Do not use on the face.
  • Discontinue use if irritation occurs.

Storage Condition :

  • Store below 30oC in a dry place away from heat and direct sunlight.

Protect from humidity.

Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, please consult a healthcare professional.

==⚠️ 聲明 ⚠️==
1. 本貨品為平行進口正貨
2. 聲明:所有帖文內容只作分享及參考用途。為免混淆視聽,所有商標或版權均屬有關商品品牌商標的持有人,敬請留意。



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