【現貨】澳洲製造 Bosisto's 尤加利精油噴霧200g,[A] $79/1支,[B] $207/3支 (平均$69/支) 《不計印商品》

  • $79.00
    單價 每 

+ -

  【現貨】澳洲製造 Bosisto's 尤加利精油噴霧200g

  • [A] $79/1支,[B] $207/3支 (平均$69/支)
  • 清潔+清新+除臭
  • 每支可噴超過1,000次
  • 規格 : 200g
  • 產地:澳洲




🔸家庭用途 : 殺死99.99%的細菌並防止細菌生長可用於房間,洗手間,廚房,垃圾桶和寵物區

🔸房間清新劑 : 對於所有那些需要清新的區域:病房,浴室,廁所,櫥櫃等,沒有殘留物並殺死產生氣味的細菌

🔸寵物用品 : 有效地清潔和除臭,非常適合去除寵物墊污漬和痕跡

🔸個人用途 : 通過殺死細菌幫助減少傷口感染

🔸減少肌肉疼痛 : 可以穿透肌肉和肌腱,緩解疼痛,並減輕炎症

🔸昆蟲叮咬 : 有助於在一兩分鐘內緩解輕微昆蟲叮咬的疼痛和瘙癢


Bosistos Eucalyptus Spray 200g

A multipurpose spray with natural eucalyptus oil, used for the relief of mild aches & pains and the symptoms of common colds & flu. An antiseptic with natural eucalyptus that kills germs and helps prevent bacteria growth.

Convenient spray with all the uses of eucalyptus oil . Fresh, clean fragrance of the Australian bush . Natural antiseptic, effective germ killer . Cleans carpets and clothes, removes spots and stains . Cleans, freshens, deodorises, as a solvent and penetrating oil . Economical to use: no wastage, each can contains over 1,000 sprays

Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.

  • Kills 99.9% of germs
  • Antiseptic 
  • Cleans & freshens
  • Australian made & owned

Directions for use:

For You 

 Antiseptic: For minor wounds such as cuts, scratches and insect bites, spray the affected area holding the can 15cm from skin. Repeat as required. 

Muscular aches & pains: For temporary relief of mild aches and pains, spray sore muscles holding can 15cm from skin. Massage to increase warmth. Repeat every 4 hours as required. 

Colds & flu: Spray around the room to help relieve the symptoms of common colds, including congestion. Repeat every 3-4 hours as required.

 If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional. Not to be used for children under two years of age without medical advice. 


For Home Always spot test before use. 

Clean surfaces: Use on kitchen, bathroom and other hard surfaces to clean and freshen. Hold can 15-20cm from area, spray until covered with mist. Wipe if required. 

Deodorise: Spray in bins, toilets and directly on soft surfaces such as mattresses and fabric furnishings to remove odours. Hold can 15-20cm from surface and spray as needed. Wipe with a clean cloth if required. 

Room freshener: Hold can upright and spray around the air as needed to freshen and deodorise. Avoid contact with food. 

Spots & stains: Remove grease marks and stains on clothes, carpets and fabric. Place absorbent cloth under stained area, spray and wipe with clean cloth brushing towards the centre of the mark. 

Laundry pre-wash: Spray stained area, leave for a minute then wash as normal. 

Pet areas & bedding: Freshen deodorise pet quarters. Can also use as stain remover for pet marks. 



Active ingredient: Eucalyptus Oil 200mg/g


查看更多【Bosisto's】產品 >>>


==⚠️ 聲明 ⚠️==
1. 本貨品為平行進口正貨
2. 聲明:所有帖文內容只作分享及參考用途。為免混淆視聽,所有商標或版權均屬有關商品品牌商標的持有人,敬請留意。




      【現貨】訂單  - 結帳後可 Whatsapp 66802100 或致電 39967986 確認存貨狀況後,可直接到太子門市自提貨物。

      【預訂貨】訂單- 在收到貨到通知電郵後 Whatsapp 66802100 或致電 39967986 確認存貨狀況後,可直接到太子門市自提貨物。



      地址: 九龍太子道西141號長榮大廈4字樓4G室 (4號電梯)

               (港鐵太子站C1出口 / 恒生銀行樓上)

      電話: (852) 3996 7986

      Whatsapp: 6680 2100

      電郵: contact@funmart-hk.com

      營業時間: 星期一至五12:30-19:30 / 星期六12:00-16:00 / 星期日及公眾假期休息


      如選擇寄貨服務,請 Whatsapp 66802100 :


      包括順豐站 / 順豐服務中心 / 順便智能櫃地址 / 工商中心 /  住宅(另加收上樓費);全部默認【運費到付】

      收費HK$30/kg, 續重另收費(收費以順豐為準)

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