【短期產品特價】德國 Mivolis Thymian Tee 天然草本茶 – 百里香茶 1盒12包,特價: $10/盒
【短期產品特價】德國 Mivolis Thymian Tee 天然草本茶 – 百里香茶 1盒12包
特價: $10/盒
規格: 每盒含1.4g/包 X 12包
產地: 德國
到期日: 2024年10月
- 百里香為全年生耐寒植物,即使在攝氏零下二十多度仍能生存;香味馥郁香醇,是很棒的調味料,在意大利菜上常常使用。
- 適合有氣管或上呼吸道炎症使用
100% 百里香
將茶包放入150ml 熱開水中, 沖泡10-15分鐘,即可飲用。除非另有規定,否則每天要喝一杯
Mivolis Arzneitee, Thyme tea (12 sachets), 16.8 g
- In case of symptoms of bronchitis
- In the case of catarrhees of the upper airways
Medicinal medicines for the treatment of symptoms of bronchitis and catarrhees of the upper airways.
Product features:
Lactose Free, Vegan, Vegetarian
Mandatory notes:
Active ingredients: thyme Indications: Symptoms of bronchitis, katherre of the upper airways.
Concentration: 100g of thyme tea contain: thyme, 100g.
Flavouring form: Arzneitee, 12 infusion bag à 1.4 g à 16.8 g, individually flavoured
Exact product description: Thyme tea, medicines for the treatment of respiratory diseases in symptoms of bronchitis
Thyme, 100g
Use Instructions:
An infusion pouch thyme tea for a cup of tea with boiling water (approx. 150 ml) pour over and leave covering for a little 10-15 minutes. Express and remove the infusion bag weakly. Unless otherwise prescribed, drink a freshly prepared cup of tea several times a day.
Storage Instructions:
Store protected from light and moisture
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地址: 九龍太子道西141號長榮大廈4字樓4G室 (4號電梯)
(港鐵太子站C1出口 / 恒生銀行樓上)
營業時間: 星期一至五12:30-19:30 / 星期六12:00-16:00 / 星期日及公眾假期休息
如選擇寄貨服務,請 Whatsapp 66802100 :
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