【現貨】加拿大 Holista Organic Oregano Oil 80% Carvacrol 有機牛至油80%強效香芹酚萃取滴劑 25ml,$138/支 《不計印商品》

【現貨】加拿大 Holista Organic Oregano Oil 80% Carvacrol 有機牛至油80%強效香芹酚萃取滴劑 25ml,$138/支 《不計印商品》

  • $138.00
    單價 每 


【現貨】加拿大 Holista Organic Oregano Oil 80% Carvacrol 有機牛至油80%強效香芹酚萃取滴劑 25ml

價錢: $138/支

-最佳使用日期(Best Before):15個月以上

牛至油(Oil of Oregano)是從牛至大麥萃取獲得的油,並有抗菌,抗真菌和殺病毒等好處。因此,很多人在其他藥物沒有效果時,會把它作為一種營養保健品使用。這種產品可以直接施用於皮膚消除感染和皮疹,內服還有助於治療消化問題,擁塞,感冒和喉嚨痛。即使身體健康的人也可以從它獲得好處。


🉐被稱為“北美萬金油”- 有機天然消炎藥 天然有機的抗菌殺菌除炎症滴劑。
👩🏻‍⚕️牛至油(Oil of Oregano)是從牛至大麥萃取獲得的油 並有抗細菌及真菌、抗發炎、預防新陳代謝疾病、改善上呼吸道疾病、抗氧化、對抗癌症等好處💯

👍無化學污染和防腐劑,保護兒童不受病原微生物,包括細菌 酵母菌 真菌和寄生蟲的危害
👍提供抗氧化保護,減少炎症,減輕季節性過敏症狀,減輕慢性肌肉酸痛(局部) 減少心臟疾病風險


* 有機認證產品
 * 全天然草本配方包含天然活性成份
 * 蒸餾萃取保留最大純度和效力
 * 含最少80%香芹比例
 * 無化學汙染和防腐劑


✴️成份與含量 :
每4滴(0.16毫升)含有:有機牛至油 - 30毫克;80%香芹 - 24毫克。


☘️ 1. 香港腳及灰指甲
牛至油有廣泛殺菌功效 可將腳浸入裝水的水盆 再加入約5 ml至10 ml的牛至油 或者是混合5ml的純橄欖油與1滴牛至油 將之塗抹於患部 兩種方法皆可緩解甚至根除常見的皮膚黴菌感染

☘️ 2.各種疼痛
不論是關節炎、背痛、滑囊炎、腕隧道症候群、纖維肌痛、肌肉痠痛、運動傷害 使用牛至油與橄欖油等比例混合後再抹於患部 牛至油能穿透局部皮膚達到緩解疼痛的功效

☘️ 3. 蚊蟲叮咬
可以混合等比例的牛至油與橄欖油 並塗抹於被叮咬處 有助於中和毒液並緩解被叮咬後的過敏反應 能達到消腫及止癢的功效

☘️ 4.輕微燒傷
在輕微燒傷的情形下 混合5ml的純橄欖油與1滴牛至油 並將之塗抹於患部 牛至油能達到緩解疼痛及預防水泡的功效

每日4滴 滴於舌下。與水混合後可外用。請勿塗於傷口。
💢 【特別說明】2歲以下兒童 請勿服用/使用牛至油
2-13歲兒童服用前先向醫生諮詢 懷孕及哺乳期請勿服用


Holista Organic Oregano Oil 80% Carvacrol 25 ml


  • Made with 100% wild-crafted organic Mediterranean oregano
  • Formulated with organic olive oil and vitamin E
  • Standardized to 80% carvacrol
  • Suitable for vegetarians/vegans
  • GMO free


Product Details

Holista organic oregano oil is a “must-have” herbal remedy for the medicine cabinet and is a suitable option for anyone who is looking for additional antioxidant support for the maintenance of good health.

Organic oregano oil by Holista provides antioxidant benefits for the maintenance of good health. Carvacrol is a key active ingredient in pure oregano oil, and works synergistically with flavonoids and a wealth of micronutrients to support the full spectrum of benefits that oregano oil provides.

Features and Benefits:

  • Made with 100% wild-crafted organic Mediterranean oregano
  • Standardized to 80% carvacrol
  • Chemical free: steam distilled for maximum purity and potency
  • Formulated with organic olive oil and vitamin E sourced from non-genetically modified organisms (GMO) sunflower oil
  • Provides 30 mg of extra strength organic oregano oil per four drops
  • No gluten
  • Dairy free
  • Sugar free
  • GMO free
  • Free of artificial colours, preservatives, or sweeteners
  • No starch, wheat, yeast, soy, corn, egg, fish, shellfish, animal products, salt, or tree nuts
  • Suitable for vegetarians/vegans
  • Natural product number (NPN): 80033658



  • Organic oregano oil (Origanum vulgare) (leaf) (80% carvacrol) – 30 mg
  • Vitamin E (d-alpha Tocopherol) – 1 mg AT (1.49 IU)


Non-medicinal ingredients:

  • Organic olive oil


Dosage :

  • 4 drops (0.15 ml) daily with food or as recommended by a physician. Take a few hours before or after taking supplements containing iron, zinc, calcium, or copper.

Warnings and Precautions:

  • Do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have hypersensitivity or are allergic to herbs in the Lamiaceae family. Discontinue use if you experience gastrointestinal upset. Keep out of reach of children.


    ==⚠️ 聲明 ⚠️==
    1. 本貨品為平行進口正貨
    2. 聲明:所有帖文內容只作分享及參考用途。為免混淆視聽,所有商標或版權均屬有關商品品牌商標的持有人,敬請留意。



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