【現貨】英國 Nature’s Heart 勁量裝 超級奇亞籽2.2磅,$109/包 《不計印商品》
【現貨】英國 Nature’s Heart 勁量裝 超級奇亞籽2.2磅
價錢: $109/包
✅ 豐富嘅蛋白,仲有飽肚感同滋潤滑腸功效
✅ 超強抗氧化,有助抑壓發炎細胞,保護心臟和肝臟
✅ 豐富嘅鈣,強健牙齒和骨骼,預防骨質疏鬆
✅ 內含豐富奧米加3、奧米加6
✅ 內含豐富膳食纖維、蛋白質、多種維生素及礦物質
✅ 有助心血管健康
✅ 改善膽固醇水準
✅ 調理消化系統
⭕將已浸奇亞籽伴沙律 / 水果 / 乳酪 / 奶昔等等
Nature's Heart Superfoods Chia Seeds (1kg)
Named after the Mayan word meaning ‘strength’, Nature’s Heart’s Chia seeds are tiny but mighty. Add these versatile seeds to your every day meals for a tasty crunch and a sprinkle of plant-based protein.
Ingredients: Chia seeds (100%)
- 🌱 CRUNCHY TOPPING – Add these versatile seeds to your everyday meals for a tasty crunch and a sprinkle of plant-based protein.
- 🌱 VITAMINS AND NUTRIENTS – our Chia seeds are tiny but mighty! They are a natural source of Iron, Zinc, and Magnesium. Iron contributes to normal function of the immune system, Zinc Contributes to the maintenance of normal skin, hair and bones, Magnesium contributes to a reduction in tiredness and fatigue.
- 🌱 VEGAN AND GLUTEN FREE – 100% Plant based ingredients, our hand-harvested chia seeds are suitable for vegan and Gluten free diets.
- 🌱 VERSATILE – Can be used as a crunchy topping for yoghurts, granola and salads, added to bakes and smoothies for texture or soaked in over-night oats for a high protein snack. There is room to experiment and with our resealable packs the product can keep fresh for longer.
==⚠️ 聲明 ⚠️==
1. 本貨品為平行進口正貨
2. 聲明:所有帖文內容只作分享及參考用途。為免混淆視聽,所有商標或版權均屬有關商品品牌商標的持有人,敬請留意。
【現貨】訂單 - 結帳後可 Whatsapp 66802100 或致電 39967986 確認存貨狀況後,可直接到太子門市自提貨物。
【預訂貨】訂單- 在收到貨到通知電郵後 Whatsapp 66802100 或致電 39967986 確認存貨狀況後,可直接到太子門市自提貨物。
地址: 九龍太子道西141號長榮大廈4字樓4G室 (4號電梯)
(港鐵太子站C1出口 / 恒生銀行樓上)
營業時間: 星期一至五12:30-19:30 / 星期六12:00-16:00 / 星期日及公眾假期休息
如選擇寄貨服務,請 Whatsapp 66802100 :
包括順豐站 / 順豐服務中心 / 順便智能櫃地址 / 工商中心 / 住宅(另加收上樓費);全部默認【運費到付】
收費HK$30/kg, 續重另收費(收費以順豐為準)
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