![【現貨】澳洲 Spring Leaf 無酒精蜂膠40% 滴劑25ml,[A] $69/支,[B] $118/2支 (平均$59/支)](http://funmarthk.com/cdn/shop/products/SpringLeaf_300x300.jpg?v=1653241473)
【現貨】澳洲 Spring Leaf 無酒精蜂膠40% 滴劑25ml,[A] $69/支,[B] $118/2支 (平均$59/支)
【現貨】澳洲 Spring Leaf 無酒精蜂膠40% 滴劑25ml
[A] $69/支,[B] $118/2支 (平均$59/支)
-規格 : 25ml
-有效期 : 2024年12月13日
- 蜂膠滴劑 濃度40% (25毫升/瓶)
- 含類黃素、葉酸、維生素B1、B2、B6、C、E以及鈣等珍貴天然成分。
- 特級蜂膠從最純淨的森林中選擇蜂膠原始塊,成分天然、純淨,不含農藥和重金屬,富含天然味道。
- 無酒精、不刺激
- 主要成份: 蜂膠2倍濃縮200毫克/毫升,相當新鮮蜂膠400毫克/毫升
#來自澳大利亞的頂級保健品品牌 #澳大利亞TGA #cGMP#有機生產認證官方機構認證#美國 FDA #歐盟 PIC/s 認證
✨服用方法: 早晚各1次,每次5-8滴直接服用或加入水中飲用
⭐️蜂膠遇冷凝結屬於正常現象 請安心使用哦,使用前請先搖一搖 *
Springleaf-Propolis Liquid (Alcohol Free) 40% 25ml
Support and maintain a healthy immune system with powerful Springleaf Propolis Liquid!
- Helps boost the immune system.
- Reduces symptoms and duration of colds and flu.
- Aids in relieving sore throat and other oral and throat infections.
Product Description
Springleaf Propolis Liquid, a great source of nutrients, is made from propolis extract, which is celebrated for its large quantity of flavonoids, vitamins and minerals. Propolis has a number of great health benefits such as improving the immune system and fighting infections due to its natural antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is also a good source of antioxidant; therefore it can help fight the harmful effects of free radicals in the body.
Active Ingredients
Propolis Resin 200mg/ml (2:1) Equiv. to Fresh Propolis 400mg/ml (40%)
Directions For Use
Adults, take 5 to 10 drops (0.25-0.5ml) to water daily. Shake well before use.
Topical: Swab affected area up to three times a day.
Test before use. Propolis may cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. If irritation or swelling of the mouth or throat occurs, discontinue use.
If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare practitioner.
Not to be used by children below ten years old without medical advice.
查看更多👀 營養補充品 👉🏻https://bit.ly/3gSGrea
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【現貨】訂單 - 結帳後可 Whatsapp 66802100 或致電 39967986 確認存貨狀況後,可直接到太子門市自提貨物。
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營業時間: 星期一至五12:30-19:30 / 星期六12:00-16:00 / 星期日及公眾假期休息
如選擇寄貨服務,請 Whatsapp 66802100 :
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