【訂: 5月上旬】韓國 Rire 足部修復護理棒 22g,$33/支

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 【訂: 5月上旬】韓國 Rire 足部修復護理棒 22g

價錢 : $33/支







[Rire] Heel Care Foot Stick

Nourishing Foot Stick
Comfortable Foot Stick instantly moisturizes, softens, eliminates dryness and flaking. Makes the skin smooth and well-groomed, helps to heal cracks.
The twist-out base allows you to quickly apply the product without getting your hands dirty.

Tea tree oil, sweet almond oil, vitamin tree oil, rosemary leaf oil, olive oil, hyaluronic acid, betaglucan, shea butter, etc.

Application: Apply the stick to dry and clean feet. Application on knees and elbows is acceptable.
Volume: 22g

查看更多【RIRE】產品 >>>

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