【Fun Mart 加購優惠】凡於 Fun Mart 網站/門市購物,即可用【加購價】$10 購買【韓國 LEBELAGE 修復乾裂橄欖護腳霜100ml】1支,每個帳戶限購1支 !《不計印商品》

  • $10.00
    單價 每 


【Fun Mart  加購優惠】於 Fun Mart 網站/門市購物,即可用【加購價】$10 購買【韓國 LEBELAGE 修復乾裂橄欖護腳霜100ml】1,數量有限,售完即止 !


 【加購價】$10 購買【韓國 LEBELAGE 修復乾裂橄欖護腳霜100ml】1




  • 會員將 這個優惠 加入購物車,填寫數量,直接購買
  • 數量有限,售完即止




韓國 LEBELAGE 修復乾裂橄欖護腳霜100ml




  • 含蘆薈提取物 + 天然橄欖油萃取
  • 針對足跟龜裂、死皮、乾燥、粗糙、老繭等問題
  • 深層滋潤、強效保濕
  • 軟化老繭死皮、修復龜裂粗糙肌膚
  • 乳霜質地,清爽不黏膩
  • 成份天然,無過敏的成分
  • 產地: 韓國

使用方法: 在日常護理中使用護腳霜。在清潔,乾燥的皮膚上,塗抹產品,並通過按摩動作,直至皮膚完全吸收


Lebelage Daily Moisturizing Olive Foot Cream

  • It Protects,Recover & Refused to dry, cracks, smash Foot.
  • The universal formula with the content of natural olive oil creates a feeling of hydration for a long time, prevents dryness and cracking of the skin, eliminates unpleasant sensations.
  • Suitable for all types of dry, oily, sensitive skin and has no side effects.
  • Diabetic patients, cracked soles of the feet, (due to excessive walking) is a very necessary product to solve the problem of roughness of the skin of the feet.
  • Through the use of natural ingredients, the product has a safe, non-allergenic composition.

How to use:
Wash & Cleanse the foot with lebelage cleanging foam in tepid water & wipe it gently. Apply lebelage foot cream and massage the foot until the cream absorb with the skin.



點擊下圖查看更多【足部護理】產品 >> https://bit.ly/3ydPf4r 


==⚠️ 聲明 ⚠️==
1. 本貨品為平行進口正貨
2. 聲明:所有帖文內容只作分享及參考用途。為免混淆視聽,所有商標或版權均屬有關商品品牌商標的持有人,敬請留意。



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