【現貨】紐西蘭 Pot of Gold 多用途黃金膏,[A] $89/50g,[B] $139/100g,Baby Balm及Skin Balm 兩款 《不計印商品》

  • $89.00
    單價 每 


【現貨】紐西蘭 Pot of Gold 多用途黃金膏


【A款】Baby Balm 是日常款

【B款】Skin Balm 是強效修復款

-容量: 50g/100g

-保存方法 : 請置於陰涼處,避免高溫及陽光直射,拆封後請儘速用完




【A款】Baby Balm 是日常款 (50g - 2024年12月12日 / 100g - 2024年6月12日)

【B款】Skin Balm 是強效修復款 (50g - 2026年2月2日 / 100g -  2026年11月2日)


⭐百年傳承⭐口碑極好 ⭐家家必備好物

✅100% 天然,可食用級標準



💥💥100% 全天然;75% 有機💥💥




【A款】Baby Balm是日常款 /【B款】- Skin Balm是強效修復款,兩款都是100%純天然成份 

【A款】Baby Balm 是日常款:



【B款】- Skin Balm 是強效修復款:



  • 100%純天然成份,75%有機成份
  • 不含類固醇,無任何化學成份、人工防腐劑、香料
  • 孕婦、嬰兒、敏弱肌人士都可使用,適合全家大小一起使用
  • 通過提供豐富有效的營養物質,幫助皮膚自我恢復,適用於治各類肌膚的不適及創傷
  • 黃金膏裡面含有豐富的天然維他命E,滋潤效果很好,味道非常清新
  • 親膚性很好,不會堵塞毛孔
  • 可多用途使用: 潤膚、舒緩、濕疹、蚊蟲叮咬、尿布疹、小傷口、燙傷、粉刺、皮炎、淡疤等均適用
  • 一瓶解決90%的皮膚問題
  • 百年傳承,口碑極好 ,家家必備好物!!
  • 注意: 黃金膏主要成分含有機蜂膠,對蜂製品成份會過敏的人士忌用



  • 哥倫比亞有機橄欖油→加速乾燥粗糙皮膚的修復
  • 新西蘭松木松香→能促進新細胞生成,加強代謝
  • 有機新西蘭蜂蠟→在皮膚表面可以形成保護膜,防止感染幫助癒合
  • 葡萄柚精油→調理肌膚和組織


這款黃金膏原是為紐西蘭皮膚癌病人而設的有機護理霜,因為皮膚癌病人不能接觸到任何化學物質,使用完之後連醫生、護士、化妝師都發現佢有多用途神奇功效‼當時在新西蘭本土和全球都造成了極大的轟動:原來Pot Of Gold黃金膏的配方是一項嚴守左120年歷史的新西蘭家庭護膚秘方


1. 各種割傷、燙傷、燒傷的皮膚急救

  • 在皮膚上形成保護膜,不僅能滋潤傷口,還能隔絕細菌,防止感染和加快愈合,用來處理開放性傷口尤其好

2. 夏季出遊曬後修復

  • 曬傷都要脫皮好幾天才能好,但塗上它,基本第二天就不紅了,疼痛感也消了,修復非常顯著

3. 治療口腔潰瘍

  • 黃金膏的成分非常天然安全,所以用來治療口腔潰瘍效果都非常好

4. 寶寶必備

  • 濕疹、尿布疹、脂溢性皮炎、蚊蟲叮咬等嬰兒肌膚問題,一瓶搞定;即使皮膚又紅又粗糙,用黃金膏擦一個星期就完全恢復光滑

5. 去粉刺、淡化疤痕

  • 如有痘印、粉刺的煩惱,也可以試試把黃金膏塗在皮膚上,也有祛疤效果

6. 能當潤唇膏、身體乳、護手霜


  • 皮膚敏感者使用前,請先作小部位皮膚敏感測試。本商品非藥品,因每人膚況不同,使用後如有不適現象,請停止使用,並諮詢醫師意見
  • 本產品為天然有機成份,故每批顏色、味道會有些微差異,為正常現象

Pot of Gold baby balm

Why buy several products when you only need one? Pot of Gold baby balm is specially blended to offer a perfect all round balm for both mother and baby that we believe will replace many of the products kept in your baby bag and medicine cabinet. Baby balm is made in New Zealand from 100% natural ingredients and is 75% organic too.

While our Pot of Gold skin balm is designed for use on more severe conditions and ailments, Pot of Gold baby balm is a milder all-round daily use product, created with both baby and mother in mind. With a higher vitamin E content, and a softer recipe to ensure easy after-nappy applications, Pot of Gold baby balm ensures sensitive skin has the moisturisation and protection it needs.

Use our baby balm as a natural alternative to any other products created for skin irritations, massage, moisturisation, and general day-to-day skin care. Using only active ingredients, Pot of Gold baby balm can also be used to aid all skin conditions, including:

  • Nappy rash
  • Dry and cracked nipples
  • Prevention and reduction of stretch marks
  • Any chapping and chafing both mother and baby may have.
  • For cradle cap, eczema or similar conditions use Pot of Gold skin balm

Pot of Gold skin balm

Pot of Gold skin balm has been made and shared by our family for six generations. In that time it has been attributed by family, and more recently our customers, with helping in the treatment and control of almost all skin related ailments and injuries. Pot of Gold skin balm is a natural product in the truest sense of the word. It contains no cortisone, steroids, petrochemicals, fragrances, synthetics, or carcinogens of any kind. Pot of Gold skin balm is made in New Zealand from 100% natural ingredients and is 75% organic too. The skin balm works by feeding the skin a powerful skin food which simply helps your skin to do the healing itself.

Try our Pot of Gold skin balm for:

  • Eczema symptoms
  • Psoriasis symptoms
  • Seborrheic dermatitis (infant cradle cap) symptoms
  • Dermatitis symptoms
  • Stretch mark reduction
  • Scar repair and reduction
  • Burns of any kind
  • Acne treatment
  • Cold sores: Read
  • Dry, cracked skin
  • A supplementary skin cancer treatment
  • Cuts, scrapes, wounds and more

Our skin is the largest organ of the human body. It is also a reflection of our overall health. In order for our body and skin to function properly we must receive sufficient nutrition, rest and exercise. A deficiency in any one of these can adversely affect our health and can lead to skin that heals slowly, has poor circulation and looks shallow and dull. Similarly, our skin helps to keep our body healthy by acting as a protective wall against possible harmful effects of the environment. At Pot of Gold, we believe taking care of your skin from both the inside and the outside will lead to a lifetime of good health.

Allergy warning: Pot of Gold skin balm contains coniferous pine tree resin along with beeswax which can in turn hold traces of pollen, propolis, and bee venom.

 ==⚠️ 聲明 ⚠️==
1. 本貨品為平行進口正貨
2. 聲明:所有帖文內容只作分享及參考用途。為免混淆視聽,所有商標或版權均屬有關商品品牌商標的持有人,敬請留意。



    【現貨】訂單  - 結帳後可 Whatsapp 66802100 或致電 39967986 確認存貨狀況後,可直接到太子門市自提貨物。

    【預訂貨】訂單- 在收到貨到通知電郵後 Whatsapp 66802100 或致電 39967986 確認存貨狀況後,可直接到太子門市自提貨物。



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             (港鐵太子站C1出口 / 恒生銀行樓上)

    電話: (852) 3996 7986

    Whatsapp: 6680 2100

    電郵: contact@funmart-hk.com

    營業時間: 星期一至五12:30-19:30 / 星期六12:00-16:00 / 星期日及公眾假期休息


    如選擇寄貨服務,請 Whatsapp 66802100 :


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