【現貨】Swisse Ultiboost High Strength Milk Thistle 高濃度奶薊草護肝片(加強版) 60粒,$90/樽《不計印商品》
【現貨】Swisse Ultiboost High Strength Milk Thistle 高濃度奶薊草護肝片(加強版) 60粒
價錢 : $90/樽
容量 :60粒
最佳食用期 2027年1月
產地 :澳洲
- 適合素食者
- 有助於健康的肝功能
- 支持身體的自然排毒過程
- 保持膽囊健康
- 富含抗氧化劑,有助於減少自由基損傷並支持天然肝臟清潔過程。
奶薊草萃取物(水飛薊萃取物 500 毫克)相當量乾果 35 克
儲存於 25°C 以下陰涼乾燥處。
- 若懷孕或可能懷孕,請勿使用。
- 如果系統仍然存在,請諮詢您的醫療保健專業人員。
- 這種藥可能未必適合您。購買前請務必閱讀標籤和任何警告。請遵循使用說明。如果症狀持續存在,請諮詢您的健康專家。如果飲食攝取不足,補充劑可能僅起到輔助作用。
Swisse Ultiboost High Strength Milk Thistle - Suppots Liver Health & Detoxification - 60 Tablets
Each tablet is enriched with 500 mg of milk thistle extract, derived from 35 g of dry fruit, traditionally used in Western herbal medicine as a liver tonic and to support gallbladder health. This convenient daily dose aids in maintaining healthy liver function and supports your body's natural liver detoxification processes, while also acting as an antioxidant. Incorporate Swisse Ultiboost High Strength Milk Thistle into your daily routine for a balanced approach to liver wellness.
- Contains 500 mg of milk thistle extract per tablet
- Supports healthy liver function and natural liver detoxification processes
- Traditional used in Western herbal medicine as a herbal liver tonic
- Antioxidant, helps decrease free radical damage to body cells
Each tablet contains:
- Milk thistle (Silybum marianum extract 500 mg) equiv. dry fruit 35 g
Adult Dosage:
One tablet daily, during or immediately after a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional.
- Do not use if pregnant or likely to become pregnant.
- If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional.
- This medicine may not be right for you. Always read the label and any warnings before purchase. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional. Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.
Store below 25°C. Do not use if cap seal is broken.
查看更多👀 營養補充品 👉🏻https://bit.ly/3gSGrea
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營業時間: 星期一至五12:30-19:30 / 星期六12:00-16:00 / 星期日及公眾假期休息
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