【現貨】$22 購買 德國 Bad Heilbrunner Leber- und Galle Tee 天然草本肝膽保護茶 1盒8包

  • $22.00
    單價 每 


【現貨】德國 Bad Heilbrunner Leber- und Galle Tee 天然草本肝膽保護茶 1盒8包

價錢: $22/盒

規格: 每盒含1.75g/包 X 8包

產地: 德國

到期日: 2025年7月





德國人身體不適或輕微感冒習慣用花草茶來舒緩不適的症狀,Bad Heillrunner 是德國最大的草本茶茶包製造商,皆使用天然的草本植物製成,成份天然也不會造成身體負擔‼️


非炎症性膽囊不適, 如膽汁分泌失調; 腹脹胃腸脹氣和消化不良。




將茶包放入150ml 熱開水中, 沖泡10-15分鐘,即可飲用



Bad Heilbrunner Arzneitee, liver & bile tea (8 sachets), 14 g

The Bad Heilbrunner Leber- und Galle Tee supports the bile flow and in the treatment of non-inflammatory gallbladder difficulties. In addition, the hot drink also helps in the area of gastrointestinal, e.g. with feeling of fullness, flatulence and digestive problems. A metal-clip-free filter bag contains 1.75g peppermint leaves, dandelion, Javanese turmeric and yarrow weed, as well as fennel, chamomile blossoms, caraway and licorice root.

Product features:

Suitable for diabetics, Lactose-free, without fluoride, Vegetarian


Mandatory notes:

Active ingredients: peppermint leaves, dandelion,Javananian turmeric, yarrow herb, Other ingredients: fennel, chamomile, caraway, liquorice root Areas of application: To support the treatment of non-inflammatory gallbladder complaints and disorders in the area of bile outflow; complaints in the area of the stomach and intestines such as fullness, flatulence and digestive complaints

Concentration of active ingredient: 1 filter bag contains 1.75 g as active ingredient: 0.61 g peppermint leaves, 0.35 g dandelion, 0.26 g Javanese root, 0.18 g sheep's yarrow cabbage

Food form: Filter bag - Tea

Exact product description: Medicinal products for taking after preparation of a tea infusion


Active ingredients by species and quantity: 1 filter bag of 1.75g contains as active ingredients: 0.61g peppermint leaves, 0.35g dandelion, 0.26g of Javanese turmoil, 0.18g yarrow skinkraut. Other ingredients: Fennel, chamomile flowers, cumin, liquorice root.

Use Instructions:

Purpose: To support the treatment of non-inflammatory gallbladder complaints and disorders in the area of bile drainage; complaints in the area of stomach and intestines, such as feeling of fullness, bloating and digestive problems.

Storage Instructions:

Notes: Store in the original pack to protect the contents from light and moisture. Keep inaccessible to children.




Bad Heilbrunner 是德國銷量第一的健康花草茶品牌。





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電郵: contact@funmart-hk.com

營業時間: 星期一至五12:30-19:30 / 星期六12:00-16:00 / 星期日及公眾假期休息


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