【現貨】$22 購買 德國 Bad Heilbrunner Hals- und Rachen Tee 天然草本潤喉茶 1盒8包

  • $22.00
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【現貨】德國 Bad Heilbrunner Hals- und Rachen Tee 天然草本潤喉茶1盒8包

價錢: $22/盒

規格: 每盒含1.75g/包 X 8包

產地: 德國

到期日: 2026年1月





德國人身體不適或輕微感冒習慣用花草茶來舒緩不適的症狀,Bad Heillrunner 是德國最大的草本茶茶包製造商,皆使用天然的草本植物製成,成份天然也不會造成身體負擔‼️







將茶包放入150ml 熱開水中, 沖泡10-15分鐘,即可飲用



Bad Heilbrunner Arzneitee throat & throat tea (8 sachets), 14 g

The Bad Heilbrunner throat and throat Tea has a mildly irritating effect on mucous membranitis of the upper airways and associated dry cough. With anise, marsib leaves, marsbid and liquorice root, the medicinal thorn and throat area calms the neck and throat area.

Product features:

Suitable for diabetics, Lactose-free, without fluoride, Vegetarian


Mandatory notes:

Active ingredients: marsbid leaves, marsaid root, wood root, aniseed Areas of application: For irritation to relieve mucous membrane inflammation of the upper airways and dry cough associated with it

Concentration of active ingredient: 1 filter bag contains as an active ingredient: 0.61 g Gibish leaves, 0.44 g gib root, 0.44 g Licorice root, 0.26 g Anise

Food form: Filter bag - Tea

Exact product description: Medicinal products for taking after preparation of a tea infusion


Active ingredients by type and quantity: 1 filter bag à 1.75g contains as active ingredients: 0.61g Eibisch leaves, 0.44g of Sibfish root, 0.44g Licorice root, 0.26g anise

Use Instructions:

Usage: For irritation to relieve mucous mucous inflammation of the upper airways and associated dry cough.

Storage Instructions:

Notes: Store in the original pack to protect the contents from light and moisture. Keep inaccessible to children.




Bad Heilbrunner 是德國銷量第一的健康花草茶品牌。





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營業時間: 星期一至五12:30-19:30 / 星期六12:00-16:00 / 星期日及公眾假期休息


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