【現金特惠價】$407 購買美國 Rain 健康飲品 ~ Soul Red 1盒15包 (每包2oz) 《不計印商品》~ 【此產品只接受現金零售,不設網上付款】
【現金特惠價】 $407 購買美國 Rain 健康飲品 ~ Soul Red
1盒15包 (每包2oz)
產地: 美國
全天然成份冷壓萃取,以種籽類為主要成分 : 黑小茴香種籽、紅樹莓種籽、霞多麗葡萄籽、D-核糖
soul red -Supports healthy heart function -Reduces Inflammation -Fights oxidation -Boosts immune function -Increases natural energy -Great source of brain and body boosting amino acids and omegas, Speeds up recovery.
支持健康的心臟功能 - 減少炎症 - 抗氧化 - 增強免疫功能 - 增加自然能量 - 大腦和身體增強氨基酸和歐米茄的重要來源,加速恢復。
Soul Red 的主要成分
霞多麗葡萄是抗氧化劑的強國,但它們的種子又是另一回事了。 每粒種子所含的抗氧化劑,營養素,維生素和礦物質的含量都比葡萄所生長的葡萄還要多。 這意味著您每口SOUL Red所獲得的營養素要比其他任何東西都要多。
【2022年10月5日 美國供應商調整新價錢】
客人可 Whatsapp 66802100 預訂 或 致電 39967986 確認存貨狀況後,可直接到太子門市現金購買

1 box of soul red (15 count)
This overall health supplement was formulated with a five-tier benefit system. All-natural ingredients help to reduce the symptoms of inflammation, help maintain proper heart function, boost immunities, improve overall circulation, and provide long-lasting energy. Two ounces a day really will keep the doctor away.
With so many environmental factors affecting and attacking your body, we wanted to build something that could protect and sustain your body. soul red is formulated with power-packed seed oils that provide the proper nutrition to power your cells, maintain proper heart function, fight off oxidation, and so much more.
Each 2-oz packet of soul red not only tastes great, but holds the key to a healthy, fruitful life.
black cumin seed: One of the most widely-used seeds in the world. Its high antioxidant concentration and mineral profile, as well as chemical compounds make it a powerhouse that’s both scientifically and historically-backed.
red raspberry seed: Known for its robust phytonutrient profile, the raspberry seed has the power to fight oxidation and helps to reduce symptoms of inflammation.
chardonnay grape seed: If the fruit is healthy, the seed is even healthier. Each grape chardonnay seed contains antioxidants and other anti-aging compounds.
d-ribose: This energy source is typically created naturally within the body. But, we’ve added this compound to our SOUL RED ingredient deck to provide more cellular energy for better performance, replication, and recovery.
how does soul red help your body?
We created soul red to be as benefit-heavy as possible. Its unique, synergistic profile allows it to improve overall health, fight against environmental oxidation, all while supporting your immune system. It also works to help you feel younger by helping to reduce inflammation, increasing your energy levels, and improving cellular function.
-Black Cumin Seed
-Red Raspberry Seed
-Grape Chardonnay Seed -D-Ribose
-Supports overall health
-Helps to reduce symptoms of inflammation
-Fights oxidation
-Supports immune function
-Increases natural energy
-Source of healthy amino acids and omegas
-Speeds up recovery
Shake. Tear off the Top. And Drink.
Take 1-2 packets each day.
👀查看全線 RAIN 產品 👉🏻https://bit.ly/3TMWJUB
【現貨】訂單 - 結帳後可 Whatsapp 66802100 或致電 39967986 確認存貨狀況後,可直接到太子門市自提貨物。
【預訂貨】訂單- 在收到貨到通知電郵後 Whatsapp 66802100 或致電 39967986 確認存貨狀況後,可直接到太子門市自提貨物。
地址: 九龍太子道西141號長榮大廈4字樓4G室 (4號電梯)
(港鐵太子站C1出口 / 恒生銀行樓上)
營業時間: 星期一至五12:30-19:30 / 星期六12:00-16:00 / 星期日及公眾假期休息
如選擇寄貨服務,請 Whatsapp 66802100 :
包括順豐站 / 順豐服務中心 / 順便智能櫃地址 / 工商中心 / 住宅(另加收上樓費);全部默認【運費到付】
收費HK$30/kg, 續重另收費(收費以順豐為準)
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