【現貨】$75 購買 澳洲Healthy Care Resveratrol Capsules 白藜蘆醇膠囊180粒
【現貨】澳洲Healthy Care Resveratrol Capsules白藜蘆醇膠囊180粒
價錢: $75/樽
規格: 180粒/樽
產地: 澳洲
產品到期日: 2026年12月
Healthy Care 白藜蘆醇結合高效能白藜蘆醇和葡萄籽原花青素,支持心血管系統功能和皮膚健康。
- 抑制自由基生成
- 有助於減少自由基對身體細胞的傷害。
- 有助於維持整體健康和福祉。
- 有助於維持心血管系統的健康和功能。
- 有助於維持免疫系統健康。
- 有助於維持和增強皮膚健康
Reynoutria japonica (root ext. dry conc.) 50 毫克。
當量。 刺槐(鮮根)5公克。
當量。 白藜蘆醇 25mg。
Vitis vinifera(葡萄籽)分機。 41.67 毫克。
當量。 去乾種子5g。
維生素 C(抗壞血酸)100 毫克。
成人:每日隨餐服用 2-4 粒膠囊,或遵醫囑。
Healthy Care Resveratrol Capsules 180 capsules
Resveratrol is a member of a class of polyphenolic compounds called stilbenes. Resveratrol and other stilbene compounds are produced by certain plants when they experience stress, injury, infection, or ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
Natural sources of resveratrol include the peels of grapes, blueberries, raspberries and mulberries, as well as Cassia plants.
Resveratrol is now commonly used as a dietary supplement.
【Product Ingredients】
Active ingredient: Reynoutria japonica (dry root) 50 mg.
Equivalent to Reynoutria japonica (fresh root) 5 grams.
Equivalent to resveratrol 25 mg.
Grape (grape seed) ext. 41.67 mg.
Equivalent to 5 grams of dry seeds.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 100 mg.
Directions for Use:
Adults: Take 1 to 3 capsules daily with a meal or as directed by your healthcare professional
[Storage Instructions]
Store in a dry place below 30°C, away from heat sources and direct sunlight.
If symptoms persist, please consult your healthcare professional.
Do not use if cap seal is damaged.
If you are taking diabetes medications, consult your doctor before use.
Always read labels. Use only as directed and not to be eaten by children.
This product is a nutritional food, not a drug, and does not have any medical effect

查看更多👀 營養補充品 👉🏻https://bit.ly/3gSGrea
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營業時間: 星期一至五12:30-19:30 / 星期六12:00-16:00 / 星期日及公眾假期休息
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